At the beginning of the month, we debuted our new lineup and opened for The Spinto Band at Bottom of the Hill. It was awesome, as exhibited here:
The Chop was a vicious task-master of rock that eve I can pledge!
The boys of Spinto hopped up and helped us close the show with our whiskey-fueled anthem to Wilmington, Delaware. The Spintos are a killer band and awesome dudes to boot. Please send love/money their way whenever possible.
"We Want It All" is available on iTunes,, Rhapsody and a host of other digital music vendors. Access! But here's the really big one.
The Chop's record slip-slithered its way into the Pandora database.
This is actually a monumentally awesome development in our world. If you don't know what Pandora is, please go check it out immediately. It's a terrificly easy-to-use resource for music, and it is 100% FREE. Now we spend all day listening to the other songs that the massive Music Genome Project deems similar to our own. You have no idea how rewarding experience this can be.
Coming soon for The Chop: new songs, new album, new outfits, new haircuts, and a new unquenchable lust for power!